Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Marilia Penteado Stephan

The author has a degree in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1977), a masters degree in Biochemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / Brazil-Germany (1983) and a PhD in Biochemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. of Rio de Janeiro (1995). She is currently a researcher at EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA, where she has been working in the field of research since 1978. Her first 15 years of research was in the field of biochemistry of microorganisms, with emphasis on nitrogen fixing bacteria, implementing scientific strategies for the contribution of microorganisms in the growth of food in the class of legumes (beans and soya) no- legumes (sugar cane, maize and cassava). In the last 20 years, she has developed mainly researches in the field of food science with emphasis on the molecular modifications of protein foods subjected to thermal, chemical and fermentative processing. He has knowledge of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, TRIS-TRICINA and two-dimensional electrophoresis. He is also active in the field of immunochemistry. It has had 40 publications in international research over the years and 4 of them in the last five years (Fonte: CV Lattes)