Comparison of the effect of hatchery disinfection with peracetic acid andglutaraldehydeassociated with quaternary ammonia compounds on the tracheal mucosa of one day old chicks
Teixeira, Patrícia AlvesLucca, Erica Crosara Ladir dePetrocelli, Adriana Tereza Machado MouraBraga, Paula Fernanda SousaBeletti, Marcelo Emilio
This study aimed at identifying lesions in the respiratory tract of chickenscaused by hatchery disinfection, performed by micro-sprinkler withperacetic acid and ammonia associated with glutaraldehyde. Theexperiment was conducted at a hatchery in Uberlândia - MG, in June2013. Three hatcheries were employed, each one using a differenttreatment process. All process had been conducted in the same room andhad the same mechanisms of temperature, humidity and ventilationcontrol. Process 1 (P1) was sprayed with a solution of peracetic acid (twoml per liter of water, total of 300 ppm); P2 was sprayed with a solution ofglutaraldehyde associated with ammonia (one ml of water per liter, total of450 and 75 ppm); and P3 was sprayed only with distilled water. At the endof 48 hours, 16 chicks per treatment process were collected at eachoutbreak to remove the trachea. Each trachea was divided into twosamples. One sample was processed for evaluation by optical microscopeand another was processed for evaluation by transmission electronmicroscope. The observation of the slides had 10 fields for evaluation, sothat all tracheal mucosa on each slide was observed for the definition ofscores according to the degree of the found lesions. At the result, there wasa significant difference only in the material evaluated by light microscopybetween chicks exposed to environmental ammonia and glutaraldehyde(P2) related to the control group (P3), considering that these chicks showedmore severe injuries, such as areas with less cilia and areas of trachealmucosa flaking. Chicks exposed to disinfection with peracetic acid inhatcheries did not show lesions of the tracheal mucosa. Therefore, whenusing the dosages in this study, peracetic acid can be used for thedisinfection of hatcheries to reduce the contamination present during theprocess, while causing less damage to the tracheal mucosa of chicks.(AU)
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