Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 2723-2738

Glycerin and cashew and castor oils in the diets for bulls in finished in feed lot: ingestive behavior

Silva, Lorrayny Galoro daTorrecilhas, Juliana AkaminePassetti, Rodrigo Augusto CortêzOrnaghi, Mariana GarciaEiras, Carlos EmanuelRivaroli, Dayane CristinaValero, Maribel VelandiaPrado, Ivanor Nunes

This study was carried out to evaluate partial replacing of corn (15% of total diet DM) and cashew and castor oils addition on ingestive behavior of Nellore bulls in feedlot. Thirty bulls of 24 ± 2 months old and 400 ± 34 kg body weight were used. The bulls were distributed in a completely randomized design (10 bulls per treatment) and housed in collective pens. The experimental diets were: Control CON; Glycerine GLY and Glycerine + Functional oils. The observation scales did not influence time spent eating, ruminating or resting, as well as, the total number of chewing; however the number of periods and the time period for such activities differed among the scales time. There was no difference for the number of observations turns and number of observations per turn for analyzed variables. Glycerine inclusion in the diets caused a decrease on ruminating time and an increase in resting time. The numbers for both eating and resting periods, and time per resting period differed among diets, however, the number for ruminating period, eating time and rumination period were similar among diets. Both glycerine and functional oils inclusion in the diets increased the number of ruminated bolus per day, number of chewed per day and total chewing time for cattle.(AU)

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