Performance, growth and carcass characteristics of alternatives lineages of broiler chickens created with access to paddock
Tavares, Fernando BarbosaSantos, Maria do Socorro Vieira dosAraújo, Claudio Vieira deCosta, Heiciane Soares daLoureiro, João Paulo BorgesLima, Elizanne de MouraLima, Kedson Raul de Souza
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of alternative lineages of broiler chickens created with access to paddock. Were used 312 one day broiler chickens, house data density of 6.4birds/m2in the internal area and 2m2/animal in the pasture area. The treatments consisted of each lineage used in the experiment: Redbro Cou Nu, Gris Barré Cou Nu, Master Gris Cou Plume and Gris Barré Cou Plume. The statistical design was completely randomized with four treatments and six repetitions. For study the growth, the Gompertz equation showed a better adjustment compared with others. The lineage Master Gris Cou Plume got the greatest asymptotic weight, absolute growth rate and lowest viability, higher average weight and weight gain when compared to lineage Gris Barré Cou Nu. Even with the differences in zoo technical performance among the lineages studied, not the significance of differences between means indicates there is a ratio of body weight after fasting and weight of the eviscerated carcass.Showed highercarcass weight, chest, thigh + drumstick, wing and backin the lineage Master Gris Cou Plume, compared to Gris Barré Cou Nu and Gris Barré Cou Plume. The lineages Redbro Cou Nu and Master Gris Cou Plume had similar performance, but the Redbro Cou Nu, showed growth characteristics more suitable to alternative creations with access to paddock area.(AU)
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