Soroprevalência da leptospirose em ovinos em municípios da Microrregião do AltoMédio Gurguéia no Estado do Piauí
Cardoso, Janaina de Fátima SaraivaVaz, Raimundo RosalJesus Fialho, Regina Célia deMineiro, Ana Lys Bezerra BarradasLima, Danilo de SousaBarbosa, Aline OliveiraDiniz, Bruno Leandro MaranhãoPaula, Ney Rômulo de Oliveira
Leptospirosis, considered a zoonosis of universal distribution, is responsible for a decrease in theproductive and reproductive indexes of the herds because they result in abortion, repetition of estrus, placentalretention and consequently economic losses. Considering the economic importance of sheep farming in the stateof Piauí and the microregion, the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of anti-leptospiraantibodies in sheep from the Upper-Middle-Gurguéia micro-region in the state of Piauí. Blood samples werecollected from 100 sheep from 03 municipalities in the Upper-Middle Gurguéia micro-region. To investigateanti-leptospira antibodies was performed the Serum Microscopic Agglutination (SAM) technique. The presenceof anti-leptospira antibodies in sheep exploited in the Upper-Middle Gurguéia micro-region was verified.Therefore, preventive control measures to avoid introduction as well as combat measures for the control ofLeptospirosis in the sheep herd of the Upper-Middle Gurguéia microregion are necessary.(AU)
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