Sertolioma associado à seminoma em cão com criptorquidismo bilateral - relato de caso
Miranda, Eslen Quezia SantosOliveira, Isabel SilvaFerreira, Higor Da SilvaBarros, Allana FreitasOliveira, Renata Mondego DeAndrade, Fábio Henrique Evangelista De
This work aims to report the occurrence of a mixed testicular neoplasm, seminoma associated withsertolioma, in the ectopic testis located in the left inguinal canal of a dog. A 9-year-old male poodle dog wastreated at the Small Animal Clinic of the Veterinary Hospital of the State University of Maranhão (HVU-Uema),presenting thrombocytopenic haemorrhagic purpura and swelling of firm contents in the left inguinal region,with pain on palpation of the area. In the cytology analysis it was observed high cellularity composed by twodistinct cell types. Thus, according to the clinical and cytopathological findings, it was diagnosed Semenomaassociated with Sertolioma. It is an important finding, since the method of diagnosis by cytology is not verysensitive in the joint detection of these two neoplasms.(AU)
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