Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 460-461

Resposta folicular após estimulação ovariana com gonadotrofinas e polivinilpirrolidona em cabras Anglo Nubiana

Mudo, George Antonio MacielSilva, Helder Anderson LimaRibeiro, Laisa Gomes MedeirosOliveira, Raphael Amorim deGonçalves, Joedson DantasFigueiredo, Luana Barbosa Freire deCordeiro, Mabel FreitasLopes Júnior, Edilson Soares

To evaluate the effect of different hormonal stimulation treatments with PVP on ovarian folliculardevelopment, 27 goats received intravaginal devices (CIDR) for 10 days and 125 µg cloprostenol on day 8 oftreatment. The goats were distributed in the following groups: G1 (FSH-eCG), 300 IU of eCG and 70 mg pFSH,36 h prior to the withdrawal of CIDR; G2 (FSH), receiving 180 mg (40/40; 35/35, 30 mg) at 12 h intervals; G3(FSH-PVP10), receiving 70 mg FSH dissolved in PVP 10,000 MW, 24 hours before CIDR; and G4 (FSHPVP40),70 mg of FSH dissolved in PVP MW 40,000, 48 hours before CIDR. The follicles with diameter ≥ 2 mmwere counted, measured and classified. FSH-PVP 40 had a greater number of small follicles than FSH (P<0.05)and FSH showed greater number of large follicles (P < 0.05). In conclusion, treatment with FSH-PVP40 is analternative to stimulate ovaries in goats.(AU)

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