Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 458-459

Reprodução e critérios de seleção de ovinos machos e fêmeas em programas de melhoramento genético na ilha de São Luís MA

Sampaio, Walterlana Julia SousaAlves, Juliana da SilvaTrovão, Hallef Mithchel PereiraAraújo, Bruna Shirakubo dePedrosa, Celiz de SousaBarros, Ellis de SousaRibeiro, Matheus MoreiraMartins, Marília Albuquerque de Sousa

This study aimed to characterize the selection criterion for sheep, male and female, most applied infarms located in the municipalities that make up the micro region urban agglomeration of São Luís, Maranhão.Technical visits were performed in 10 properties where, in each, a questionnaire and information related to thecreation of system was applied, purpose of creation, breeds, selection criterion and availability of geneticresources were obtained. The most valued characteristics to select the parents, regardless of their race, allproperties were observing the animal phenotype, with no use of genetic resources for the practice, and thesecriterion related to body development (100%) for both sex, scrotal circumference and volume (100%), testiculartilting (20%) for males, and sexual precocity, maternal ability and number of calving (40%) for females.(AU)

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