Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 289-290

Prevalência e fatores de risco da neosporose bovina na microrregião de Teresina-PI

Santos, Julia Caroline Paz dosPereira, Alcir MartinsLucena, Pryscyla SilvaAlcântara, Adrianne Mota deMota, Rinaldo AparecidoFeitosa, Francisco SolanoBarros, Dayse AndradeTenório, Taciana Galba da Silva

A biggest problem in breeding cattle are fetal and newborn losses in the herd, which cause manyeconomic losses to producers. These losses may be related to the protozoan Neospora caninum, which causesthe disease known as neosporosis. The present study was carried in 14 production units of cattle in themunicipalities near from Teresina. Blood collection was performed by jugular venipuncture, using a 15 mlcollection tubes without anticoagulant. For the identification of anti-N antibodies. caninum used the technique ofindirect immunofluorescence (IIF) for detection of antibodies of the IgG class. The prevalence of infection by theprotozoan parasite for the samples examined was 15,23% (64/420) of seropositive animals and 84,76%(356/420) seronegative, distributed in 100% (14/14) of the herds studied. Also demonstrated in this study, theoccurrence of at least one animal tested positive for N. caninum, in each flock evaluated.(AU)

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