Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 569-571

Piometra de cérvix fechada em canina da raça Pinscher: Relato de Caso

Carvalho, Elaine Lopes DeElias, Suelen ChucreFernandes, Natacha Cintia FerreiraSilva, Gustavo Alighiere Lopes DaLima, Wilton FigueiredoChaves Neto, ÁlvaroNeta, Anália Costa De OliveiraFaria, Bianca Mendonça

The cystic endometrial hyperplasia pyometra complex, is a frequent and important endometrialdisorder in bitches, since it presents a risk to the lives of these animals. It tends to occur in middle-aged to olderbitches. This paper aims to report a case of closed pyometra in a Pinscher dog. On 29 of August of 2016, a fiveyear-oldPinscher dog weighing 5.7 kg was taken to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Ruralda Amazônia (HOVET / UFRA), due to an one year increase and decrease in abdominal region, but two monthsago it increased in size and did not regress. The animal was diagnosed by US and historical examination, withclosed pyometra. The animal recovered well postoperatively. It is important the knowledge about the animal'shistory and diagnosis by ultrasound imaging in order to conclude the diagnosis, and thus to perform quick andeffective surgical intervention.(AU)

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