Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 281-282

Pesquisa de aglutininas anti-leptospira em bovinos da Fazenda Escola de Alvorada do Gurguéia-Piauí

Bomfim, Dianna Soares doMendes , Janara Laís Xavier BispoCarvalho, Fernando Maciel dePaiva, Bernardo GuedesCunha, Irlana Maria da SilvaMineiro, Ana Lys Bezerra BarradasCastro, VanessaGonçalves, Larissa Maria Feitosa

This study aimed to search for anti-leptospira agglutinins in cattle from the Alvorada do GurguéiaFarm School, in the state of Piaui. Blood samples were collected from sixty-five bovines from various ages andboth sexes. The sorum was obtained by centrifugation of samples and sent to the Laboratory of Phisiopathologyof Animal Reproduction, located at the Campus Ministro Petrônio Portela, in Teresina PI, where theserological diagnosis was conducted through the microscopic agglutination test by using a colletion of serovars.None of the samples were found reactive to any of the serovars used, what shows that bovine leptospirosis is not present at the area studied.(AU)

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