Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 315-316

Perfil da Inseminação artificial em tempo fixo, presença de muco e o status uterino correlacionado com a taxa de prenhez em vacas bubalinas no estado do Amapá

Chaves Neto, ÁlvaroSilva, Gustavo Alighiere Lopes daLima, Wilton FigueiredoMacedo, Marina BezerraCarvalho, Louise Carneiro deOhana, JadeRibeiro, Haroldo Francisco LobatoRolim Filho, Sebastião Tavares

The aim of this study was to correlate the profile of insemination, uterine status and the presence ofmucus on the day of insemination, with a pregnancy rate of buffalo cows in lowland area in the state of Amapá.This study was conducted at Fazenda general Moto LTDA., 148 km from the town of Macapa. The animals werekept in extensive grazing system. They used 48 animals received the following protocol: Day 0 (D0) to insert theintravaginal device P4 and 2.0 mg BE. At D9 was taken withdrawal of the device and application of 0.5 mg ofPGF2a and 400 IU eCG. In D11 was applied 0.004 mg GRnH and carried out insemination in D12, 64 hoursafter the withdrawal. The diagnosis of pregnancy was performed 30 days after artificial insemination. The datacollected from individual records were tabulated in spreadsheets. And evaluated in the SAS software (2000) 23buffaloes that had a positive pregnancy, 3 a bad AI profile, 18 a good AI profile and 2 excellent AI profile. 25cows got negative pregnancy, among them 4 demonstrated bad AI profile, 21 a good AI profile and no possessedexcellent AI profile. Regarding uterine Status- 46 animals (97.9%) had contracted uterus, however only 22(47.83%) animals were diagnosed with positive penhez. The variable presence of mucus, of 48 buffalos 21(43.75%) had such characteristics. The pregnancy rate was 22.9% (11) for the cows with mucus during theIATF. The variables profile of AI, mucus, uterine status, no positive influence on the pregnancy rate.(AU)

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