Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 559-560

Ocorrência de esterilização por conveniência em animais domésticos atendidos no HOVET/ UFRA região metropolitana de Belém PA

Silva, Camilla Tamyris Gonçalves Nunes DaMachado, Christian TrindadeSilva, Keyla Danielly AragãoSilva, Gustavo Alighiere Lopes DaLima, Wilton FigueiredoCangussú, Éder SalesRolim Filho, Sebastião TavaresRibeiro, Haroldo Francisco Lobato

It aims to show some reasons to castrate a domestic animal such as the regulation of the population offree-living cats or confined, elimination of unpleasant behaviors such as fighting, wandering behavior and sprayurine, mainly shown by adult males. Currently affects companies in the animal health sector, nutrition,equipment, accessories, expertise of veterinarians, publications, services, among others. But there is still greatshortage of professionals focused on this very special market, where literature is scarce, as well as theknowledge Furtado. The survey was conducted at the Veterinary Federal Rural University of Amazonia Hospital(UFRA), Campus Belém / Pará, with animals attended by residents of the Animal Reproduction Department(SRA), the cat from Bethlehem.(AU)

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