Influência do tipo de parto na determinação sérica de glicose em cordeiros
Silva, Cássia Batista daSousa, Ingrid Vilmara Pereira deFagundes, Glaucia BrandãoSousa Júnior, Antônio deNascimento, Isolda Márcia Rocha doArrivabene, MônicaDias, Francisca Elda FerreiraCavalcante, Tânia Vasconcelos
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of turn and type of birth on the behavior of the concentration ofglucose in Dorper lambs grazing in Piauí semiarid. 18 lambs were used in the Dorper, born aged twenty fourhours. For the evaluation of plasma concentrations of glucose, the animals were randomly distributed in shifts(day and night) and the type of birth (single and double). Blood samples were collected at 24 hours of elapsedtime after birth, soon after placed in tubes with sodium fluoride and taken to the Clinical Pathology Laboratoryof the University Veterinary Hospital - HVU, UFPI. Analysis of variance revealed a significant effect of theinteraction shift in the types of twin births (116.64 ± 6.28) on the concentration of plasma glucose. Theconclusion of this research was that the performance of twin lambs, is due to the amount of ingested colostrumdoes not depend directly on the amount of offspring or due to their own birth order.(AU)
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