Influência da categoria da vaca sobre a taxa de prenhez em bubalinos (Bubalus Bubalis)
Lima, Wilton FigueiredoConde, Raphael CastroMileo, Victor da CostaSilva, Gustavo Alighiere Lopes daRamos, Anelise SargesCoelho, Anderson SilvaRolim Filho, Sebastião TavaresRibeiro, Haroldo Francisco Lobato
The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate of pregnancy in cows, buffaloes in differentcategories. The present study was conducted in Agricultural Farm Bike General LTDA. Animals were kept underextensive grazing. 48 animals were used, being 8 females and females 40 Primiparous multiparous subjected toa protocol of artificial insemination in fixed time (IATF). The gestation diagnosis was carried out with 30 daysafter artificial insemination. Of 48 females inseminated, Primiparous cows Group obtained as a result 4 (50%)pregnant women and 4 (50%) not pregnant woman and multiparous cows Group 19 (47.50%) were pregnantwomen and 21 (52.50%) not pregnant women. According to the results obtained in this study by dividing thefemales for Primiparous and multiparous category, the rates of pregnancy in buffaloes was influences by cowcategory, indicating that primiparas in need of greater attention towards their nutritional requirements.(AU)
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