Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 586-587

Imagem Ultrassonográfica de Folículo Ovariano de Kinosternon scorpioides (LINNAEUS, 1766), em diferentes fases do desenvolvimento

Botega, Letícia De PaulaAlbuquerque, Joanna Jéssica SousaLima, Larissa Fernanda SoaresChaves, Lianne Pollianne Fernandes AraújoRosa, Luciana CordeiroMoraes Júnior, Felipe De JesusSousa, Alana Lislea

tThe species Kinosternon scopioides, is a small freshwater turtle foun in the region known as BaixadaMaranhense, Maranhão, Brazil.. As studies on the species are still in the research process, the aim of thisscientific article was analyze the female reproductive organ through the ultrasonography to create a standart forimaging tests in this species and gain knowledge abaut their reproductive biology. For this, we used two femaleof Kinosternon scopioides where ultrasounds were performed twice a week. It was found thatgonads havefollicles in different stages of development and it was possible to distinguish follicles from eggs. The study showsimportant to help veterinary wildlife, and the preservation of the species, since the knowledge of reproductivecycle will help in captive breeding of them.(AU)

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