Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 552-553

Hermafroditismo em gato Relato de caso

Melo, Renatta SilvaCruz, Vinícius Pinto Nogueira DaRosa, Luciana CordeiroPereira, Felipe Lucas CorreaChung, Luiz Bruno OliveiraAbreu, Laine Fernanda Almeida DeChaves, Ricardo De Macêdo

The diagnosis of hermaphroditism or pseudo-hermafrditismo should not be based on an inspection ofchromosomes, gonads and the phenotypic appearance of the reproductive organs, and laparotomy. It was theVeterinary Hospital of UEMA cat, SRD. Physical examination Contacted That cat had female structures such asthe vagina and based on the pet's history this testicles also had. After castration, the animals can get pregnantand after the birth of the first puppy, the cat underwent surgery to remove the other dogs que were still in thewomb. Even during surgery ovariohysterectomy was performed for removal of the ovaries and uterus. The caseHermaphroditism is true because, according to the authors, the hermaphroditic animals should have copies ofboth gonads However, the genetic fri is female.(AU)

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