Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 550-551

Hemoparasitoses associadas a doenças uterinas em cadela Golden Retriever Relato de caso

Coimbra, Amanda De LucasUchoa, Daniel CoutoSilva, Lúcia Daniel Machado DaSilva, Ticiana Franco Pereira Da

As most common uterine diseases encountered in clinical small animal are complex cystic endometrialhyperplasia and its evolution to hydrometra, mucometra and pyometra. His clinical signs are common to otherdiseases that affect dogs very often in northeastern Brazil, as hemoparasitoses as ehrlichiosis and babesiosis. Whenthese conditions occur simultaneously, the diagnosis and, consequently, treatment may be impaired. Thus, this workrelated to the case of a bitch who presents a research on the subject, ehrlichiosis and babesiosis, describing thetreatment and the implications of the simultaneous occurrence of diseases in the effectiveness of treatments.(AU)

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