Estudo in vitro do efeito miocontrátil da Simarouba versicolor em útero isolado de ratas wistar
Oliveira, Marlene Sipaúba DeFernandes, Maria Zenaide De Lima Chagas MorenoPorfirio, Kenney De PaivaDamasceno, Tuanny Creusa MedeirosAraújo, Estefane Kelly DiasLima, Danilo De SousaPaula, Ney Rômulo De OliveiraFernandes, Rozeverter Moreno
Simarouba versicolor belongs to Simaroubaceae family. It is known that this and other species of thegenus have several activities including the antiestrogen and male infertility. In order to verify the ethanol extractof Simarouba versicolor (Sv-EtOH) in isolated uterus of Wistar rats, studies have been conducted with Sv-EtOHon the tonic contractions induced by KCl or oxytocin, recorded by isometric transducers coupled to a system ofdigital acquisition, by characterizing that blocking the uterine contraction induced by oxytocin, it was found thatthere was no significant inhibition of these contractions in the presence of Sv EtOH at concentrations of 500,750, 1000 µg / mL. The Sv-EtOH (81, 243, 500, 750, 1000µg/mL) did not induce a significant relaxation ofcontractions induced by KCl showing an EMAX 49.26 ± 7.32 and did not induce significantly the inducedrelaxation of concentrations with oxytocin EMAX de 18,78±4,91%.(AU)
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