Eficiência reprodutiva de fêmeas suínas em sistema de monta natural oriundas de granja comercial no nordeste paraense
Lima, Geyse Maria MachadoSobrinho, Wilson Amaro Moreira CondeFilho, Nauara Moura LageMacedo, Marina BezerraCarvalho, Louise Carneiro DeSilva, Gustavo Alighiere Lopes DaLima, Wilton FigueiredoRolim Filho, Sebastião Tavares
The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive efficiency in a commercial farm pig in thecity of Benevides, Pará. We carried out the collection of pregnancy and parturition of the data arrays in twoperiods, and evaluated the rate of return to estrus. 90 arrays of March were accompanied to August 2015 and 81arrays from February to April 2016. Females were multiparous, housed in gestation crates and maternity andwithout food manejo difference. Thus, the feeding mothers in pregnancy and phase of breeding was carried outtwice a day (± 2 kg feed / animal / day). The pregnancy rate was 66.35% referring to 2015 and 57.92% relatedto 2016. Rates of return to estrus were 33.65% and 42.09% for 2015 and 2016, respectively. The reproductiverates of ownership are lower than ideal for productive activity.(AU)
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