Eficiência do diluente tris suplementado com óleo de mauritia flexuoxa sobre a qualidade do sêmen caprino após criopreservação
Lima, Danilo de SousaPorfirio, Kenney de PaivaPaula, Ney Rômulo de OliveiraCardoso, Janaina de Fatima SaraivaSipauba, Marlene PessoasDamasceno, Tuanny Creuza MedeiroSilva, Jefferson Hallisson Lustosa daDiniz, Bruno Leandro Maranhão
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Tris use supplemented with Mauritia Flexuoxa oilas diluent for goat semen cryopreservation. four goats, clinically healthy were used. The animals were fed dailywith roughage, concentrate and mineral salt will. Initially, we conducted a toxicity test total of 32 collections.After the toxicity test, the concentration was chosen that showed the best result. Soon after, there were 32 morecollections, which were diluted in Tris-egg yolk-glycerol (control group) or GC diluent containing vegetable oil(Mauritia flexuoxa) GB. Samples were cryopreserved with the aid of Tk3000® device. Subsequently sampleswere thawed and analyzed for motility and sperm morphology force. It was observed obtaining post thawmotility in the group plus oil burity which shows a possible alternative to replacement products derived fromanimal origin.(AU)
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