Eficiência da inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) associada à detecção de estro por marcação da cauda e presença de muco vaginal no dia da inseminação em vacas Nelore
Souza, Ícaro Oliveira Torres deMota, Luiz Harliton Cavalcante MonteiroSantos, Cícero Soares dosSousa, Sávio Ruan Sampaio deBarros, Filipe NunesMoraes Júnior, Felipe de JesusSouza, José Adalmir Torres deCosta, Amilton Paulo Raposo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of artificial insemination in fixed timeassociated with estrus detection in Nellore cows. They used 917 females, all submitted to estrus synchronizationprotocol and formed two groups: G1 (n = 489), marked on the back with fluorescent dye and then checked if thecroup was blurred or not, and had vaginal mucus or not and G2 (n = 428) were formed by females inseminatedonly synchronized. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by ultrasound 30 days after insemination. In G1 and G2,pregnancy rates were, respectively, 46.01% and 41.12%. In G1, blurred females (52.19%), not blurred(21.78%), presence of mucus (62.57%) and no mucus (35.97%). Pregnancy rates did not differ between thegroups G1 and G2. In G1, blurred females or mucus had higher rates. It is concluded that the detection ofestrus, insemination favored the pregnancy rate.(AU)
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