Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 661-662

Efeito pró-erétil em ratos tratados com extrato etanólico das vagens de Senna spectabilis

Alencar, Dalvan FortalezaMoura, Emanuela RibeiroOliveira, Jamylla Mirck Guerra DeSousa, Marina Rebeca Soares Carneiro DeCarvalho, Marina SilvaOliveira, Moema Sousa DeSales, Paulo Alex BezerraCosta, Amilton Paulo Raposo

This study aimed analize the Pro-erectile effect of rats trated with ethanol extract os pods of Sennaspectabilis (EEVSs), a native plant from Savana, predominant on brazilian northwest. Compreendendo que Thefeed is an important aspect for the development of good breeders and reproductive risk of failures caused byempirical use of native plants in the feeding of cattle can not be ignoredWere used 40 Wistar rats separated inthree groups treated with EEVSs and one group treated with apomorphine and another treated with distilledwater. After each treatment the animals were observed In a transparent chamber. The rats that received theEEVSs showed no significant alterations. However at presence of apomorphine there was an increase of penileerection, for it is an dopaminergic agonist.(AU)

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