Efeito de diferentes meios e concentrações espermáticas na fecundação in vitro curta sobre a produção de embriões bovinos
Cavalcanti, Camila MunizCampelo, Iana SalesSilva, Mirelly Mirna Alves de SousaMelo, Luciana MagalhãesTeixeira, Dárcio Ítalo AlvesFreitas, Vicente José de Figueirêdo
tThe present study investigated the effect of two different mediums (IVF-TALP and BO) and spermconcentrations (16 106 and 20 106), during the short-in vitro fertilization (IVF) on bovine embryoproduction. Thus, after in vitro maturation (IVM), oocytes were randomly distributed into three groups:traditional IVF (control), IVF-TALP and Brackett-Oliphant (BO). The groups IVF-TALP and BO weresubdivided according sperm concentration (16 106 and 20 106) used for short-IVF (6 h). For the controlgroup, the IVF was performed for 18 h. Concerning the cleavage rate, the BO-20 group showed the best results(77,1%). On the other hand, for the blastocyst yield, the highest results were obtained in control and BO-20groups: 20.8% and 24.6%, respectively. In conclusion, it seems that BO medium with 20 106 sptz/mL positivelyinfluence the bovine embryo in vitro production. However, further studies should be performed.(AU)
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