Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 392-394

Efeito da Somatrotopina Bovina Recombinante (rbST) associado a um protocolo de Inseminação Artificial em Tempo Fixo em cabras SPRD

Barros, Filipe NunesSousa Júnior, Antônio deBarçante, Felipe Pereira da SilvaSousa, Sávio Ruan Sampaio deBranco, Yndyra Nayan Teixeira Carvalho CasteloSouza, Ícaro Oliveira Torres deSilva, Jefferson Hallisson Lustosa daSouza, José Adalmir Torres de

We evaluated the effect of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rbST) seven days before the start of thesynchronization protocol on pregnancy rate in goats. Were used 101 females without defined breed in semiintensivesystem, randomly divided into two groups. Seven days before the start of estrus synchronization, G1 (n= 49) received 125 mg of rbST, IM, and G2 (n = 52) physiological saline, subcutaneously. In D0, the groupsreceived 1 mL of BE, IM, and were synchronized with intravaginal sponges impregnated with 60 mg ofmedroxyprogesterone for 11 days. In D9, they received 300 IU of eCG and 75 µg of PGF2α. On D11, thesponges were removed, we performed IATF 36 and 48 hours later, transcervically. It was used pool of AngloNubians semen. Gestational diagnosis was performed 30 days later. A single dose administration of rbST, sevendays before estrus synchronization, did not increase the pregnancy rate.(AU)

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