Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 371-372

Distribuição dos partos na presença e ausência de luz em ovelhas Dorper

Sousa, Ingrid Vilmara Pereira deSilva, Cássia Batista daGomes, Naelson Railson de SousaFagundes, Glaucia BrandãoSousa Júnior, Antônio deArrivabene, MônicaNeves, Willames CostaCavalcante, Tânia Vasconcelos

The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of births in the period of presence and absence oflight in Dorper sheep. forty sheep were used separately in two locations from the College of Technical Teresina,Piauí belonging to the Federal University of Finance and Paradise Herd in Belo Jardim, Pernambuco. Theanimals were subjected to a breeding season; as well as the diagnosis of pregnancy. The analysis of theincidence of the type of parturition, according to the presence and absence of light were obtained from thefollow-up observation and daily obstetric care until the time of delivery for later compared by chi-square test (P<0, 05). It was found that there was a higher incidence of parturições during the light period when comparedwith the periods without light. The conclusion of this research that the presence of light appears to influence the time of delivery of Dorper sheep.(AU)

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