Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 302-303

Distribuição de partos e indicadores reprodutivos em fêmeas bubalinas no Município de São Mateus MA

Santos, Cícero Soares dosAlbuquerque, Aline Saldanha deChaves, Ricardo de MacêdoBezerra, Danilo CutrimMelo, Renatta SilvaRodrigues, Viviany de SousaMineiro, Ana Lys Barradas BezerraSouza, José Adalmir Torres de

The reproductive seasonality is a major reproductive characteristics reproductive in buffaloes, oftenrelated to low reproductive rates. This study aimed to establish the occurrence and the concentration period ofbirths in buffaloes heifers and cows and evaluate the calving interval (CI) and the period of service (PS) inprimiparous and pluriparous buffaloes. The study was conducted on a property in São Mateus - MA, at 4° 2' 26"south latitude and 44° 28' 6" W, in the 2012 and 2013 period. Data were collected from 1279 buffalo cows and242 buffalo heifers. The evaluated reproductive parameters was performed descriptive statistics and analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). The comparison of means was performed using the t test, with 5% significance level. Theparturition of heifers and cows were concentrated in the first half and reproductive rates were acceptable.(AU)

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