Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 369-370

Detecção de Brucella ovis por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em amostras de urina de ovinos naturalmente infectados na microrregião de Teresina, PI

Teixeira, Letícia Soares de AraújoSantana, Misael das VirgensPinho, Flaviane Alves deMartins, Gustavo Henrique ChavesQueiros, Patrícia Maria AlmeidaSoares, Francisco Felipe FerreiraViana, Francisca Dácia ArrudaMineiro, Ana Lys Bezerra Barradas

Ovine Brucellosis is an infectious disease responsible for the production of reproductive disorders,triggering economic losses to sheep production. The researchs objective was detect B. ovis DNA in sheepsbelonging to cities in the micro region of Teresina-PI. Thus, were collected 100 urine and blood samples ofsheeps older than or equal to six months. Urine samples were subjected to conventional PCR and samples ofblood AGID technique. From 100 blood samples, 17 (17%) were reactive to AGID. In conventional PCR, from100 urine samples, six (6%) were positive. There was agreement between the tests, however, was consideredweak (18.9%), based on the Kappa coefficient ranking. Thus, it was observed that both techniques are valid and can be regarded as tools of choice for the diagnosis of ovine brucellosis.(AU)

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