Desempenho reprodutivo de cabras nativas da raça Canindé submetidas a regime de manejo semi-intensivo nas épocas, seca e chuvosa, em região semiárida
André Júnior, JoséSimplício, Aurino Alves
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of native goats of Canindé breed, kept insemi-intensive management system in semiarid region of Northeast Brazil. The does were maintened in nativepasture predominantly composed by caatinga. And also received supplementation with multiple mixturethroughout the year, regardless of the season, rainy or dry. Three handed and seventy seven females weresubmmited to five breeding seasons. The percentages of pregnancy and parturition were 85.94% and 82.22%,respectively and the prolificacy was 1.24. It is concluded that the season of breeding season occur can affect thereproductive performance of native goats in the semi arid zone of Brazil.(AU)
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