Criopreservação do sêmen caprino: efeito do tempo de equilíbrio sobre a qualidade do sêmen após a descongelação
Praca, Layanne de MacedoDamasceno, Tuanny Creusa MedeirosCardoso, Janaína de Fátima SaraivaPaula, Ney Romulo de OliveiraLima, Danilo de SousaAraujo Neto, Alberto Pereira dePorfirio, Kenney de Paiva
Which was used sixteen samples of adult goats semen collected using an artificial vagina weresubjected to cryopreservation in order to verify the influence of equilibration time at a temperature of 5 °C onthe freezability of goat semen. Were distributed in the different protocols equilibrium time: 1h equilibration time(G1); 2 h equilibration time (G2); 3h equilibration time (G3).After this process the samples were placed inliquid nitrogen vapor , and maintained for 20 min . The end was made the freezing process in cryogenics tank .Thawing was performed in a water bath at 37°C for 30 seconds. The averages for motility were 19.375 %,16.875 % and 16.250 % respectively for G1, G2 and G3. This study demonstrated effect of equilibration period ,on the viability of goat semen after the process of freeze-thaw, where the group of smaller G1 exposure time wasless deleterious effects.(AU)
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