Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 359-360

Correlação entre o perímetro torácico, peso corporal e a circunferência escrotal de caprinos da raça anglo-nubiano observados na 59ª EXPOEMA

Candeira, Willy Kelvin dos AnjosTrovão, Hallef Mithchel PereiraAlves, Juliana da SilvaCosta Júnior, Sérgio HenriqueAlmeida, Diego SantosRosa, Luciana CordeiroMoraes Júnior, Felipe de JesusMelo, Ferdinan Almeida

This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between the scrotal circumference and thoraxcircumference and between the scrotal circumference and body weight of Anglo-Nubian bucks from a livestockexhibition in Maranhão, Brazil. 15 bucks were equally divided into three groups according their ages: G1 with9 to 12 months old animals –, G2 with 14 to 19 months old animals –, and G3 with 22 to 29 months oldanimals. The measurements were taken while the event was happening. The data was subjected to thecorrelation coefficient of Pearson. The measures of the scrotal circumference had a positive correlation with thethorax circumference in the groups G1 and G2. G1 group also presented a positive correlation for the bodyweight. However, in this study, it was observed a negative correlation between the scrotal circumference andthorax circumference measures for the animals from the G2 and G3 groups.(AU)

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