Caracterização das Práticas de Manejo Reprodutivo da Ovinocultura no Perímetro Irrigado das Várzeas de Sousa - Paraíba
Lins, José Gabriel GonçalvesFerreira, Talles Luann AbrantesSeal, Desiree Coelho de MelloSales, Itallo CostaValêncio, Bianca AlvesRodrigues, Serginara DavidMarques, Ana Valéria Mello de SouzaDuarte, Amélia Lizziane Leite
Sheep-raising is a promising activity in the semi-arid of the Brazilian Northeast. However, somebarriers prevent the development of this type of livestock farming, such as the lack of assistance to producersand climatic factors that straight affect herd production. Therefore, it was aimed to contribute to thedevelopment of this activity, suggesting the implementation of reproductive-handling practices in PIVAS. Thework in 2013 was developed in 15 among 22 productive areas intended for production in PIVAS. In 2014 it wassupported 08 productive areas and in 2015, it was accompanied 066 productive areas. There was a significantchange in the frequency of the implementation of some practices suggested by the extension group, for example,in 2014 and 2015, it was reached 100% of acceptance for neonate care and discarding annual rate. Finally,many of the suggested systems have not been complied because of barriers already mentioned.(AU)
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