Avaliação seminal de cão com Tumor Venéreo Transmissível após tratamento quimioterápico: relato de caso
Sousa Filho, Marcos Antônio Celestino DeEvangelista, Luanna Soares De MeloSouza, José Adalmir Torres De
This paper reports a stray dog, SRD, with about three years old, collected by the Zoonosis ControlManagement Teresina, PI and taken to the kennel of Piauí Federal University with transmissible venereal tumoron the glans penis. After clinical evaluation, the animal was treated with vincristine sulfate in three weeklysessions, with complete remission of the nodules and semen collection was later performed for evaluation. Theresults of the parameters of volume, motility, vigor and sperm concentration were normal for dogs. Spermpathologies were revealed in 36% larger defects and 12% of minor defects. The test of fluorescent probes, 35%of the sperm plasma membranes were intact and 54% of acrosomal membranes and a 48% mitoncondrialpotential, revealing that after chemotherapy, sperm structures are maintained with few functional alterationsbeing possible reentry dog for reproduction.(AU)
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