Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 524-526

Avaliação histomorfológica do tecido testicular de gatos domésticos impúberes após vitrificação

Lima, David Baruc CruvinelCortez, Annice AquinoSilva, Ticiana Franco Pereira DaMorais, Glayciane Bezerra DeEvangelista, Janaína Serra Azul MonteiroSilva, Lúcia Daniel Machado Da

The aim of this study was to evaluate prepubertal cats testicular tissue histomorphology aftervitrification. Five testicular pairs from five prepubertal cats were used. The fragments were distributed in thecontrol group and vitrification group containing association of the cryoprotectants ethylene glycol and glycerolin a final concentration of 5.6M. Testicular fragments of the control group were fixed in Bouin solution,processed for histomorphological evaluation and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Then, the fragments ofvitrification group were subjected to a solid surface vitrification and stored in liquid nitrogen. The fragmentswere thawed and processed for histology similarly to the control group. The control group was superior to thevitrification group regarding to the basal membrane separation cell, cell differentiation, visibility of the nucleusand nuclear condensation. Regarding the shrinkage of the basal membrane, there were no differences betweenthe groups. Morphological analysis of prepubertal cats testicular tissue after vitrification can contribute toimprove the reproductive biotechnologies applied to felines.(AU)

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