Avaliação do estresse hipertérmico de ovelhas gestantes das raças Dorper, Santa Inês e suas mestiças em clima tropical com base nos níveis sorológicos de Triiodotironina (T3) e Tiroxina (T4 Total)
Medeiros, Brenda Lurian do NascimentoAlencar, Dalvan FortalezaRodrigues, Daniel Serafim de AndradeSoares, Francisco Felipe FerreiraSousa, Marina Rebeca Soares Carneiro deBatista, Joilson FerreiraSilva, Marinna Nérica do Nascimento eCosta, Amilton Paulo Raposo
The study objectify to evaluate the adaptability of pregnant sheep of the Dorper, Santa Ines and mixed(Dorper ½ ½ Santa Ines) to the tropical climate through serologic possible modifications of triiodothyronine(T3) and thyroxine (T4). The experiment was conducted at Malhada Vermelha farm in Lagoa Alegre - PI, 21sheep were used in gestational middle third, 7 of Dorper, 7 Santa Ines and 7 mixed (Dorper x Santa Ines), all insatisfactory clinical conditions and under the same management conditions. These were evaluated respiratoryrate, rectal temperature and collected blood samples for hormone dosage four times in each climatic periodMarch, July and October. Later they were measured Thyroxine (Total T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) by ELISA.T3 dosages remained within the normal range for the species, while T4 was below. It was concluded that themost adapted breed is Santa Ines.(AU)
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