Avaliação de oócitos imaturos bovinos derivados de ovários com baixa e alta contagem de folículos antrais
Santos, Maria Diana Cáritas Barros dosSantos, Maria Valéria de OliveiraRodrigues, Luanna Lorenna VieiraFrança, Pedro Henrique Fernandes deSilva, Maria BárbaraQueiroz Neta, Luiza Bento deBorges, Alana AzevedoPereira, Alexsandra Fernandes
The aim was to evaluate the quantity and quality of immature oocytes obtained from bovine ovarieswith high and low antral follicle count (AFC). Therefore, ovaries were obtained from a slaughterhouse and thelaboratory were divided in two groups: high count (HC: ≥ 20) and low count (LC: <20) follicles. After thefollicular aspiration, retrieved oocytes were assessed by morphological appearance and brilliant cresyl blue test(BCB) in viable and non-viable. The data were analyzed by Fischer exact test (P < 0.05). After three replicates,85 ovaries were recovered and distributed between the groups HC (22) and LC (63). There was no significantdifference in the recovery rate. Furthermore, in the morphology and BCB test the viability rates werestatistically similar between groups (P > 0.05). Therefore, it is concluded that the AFC does not influence thequantity and quality of oocytes.(AU)
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