Avaliação automática da morfometria de espermatozoides ovinos com uso do programa ImageJ
Cavalcante, José Maurício MacielSilva, Anderson Leandro Santos daTomazzoni, Luiz AntônioCardoso, Idenilson Freitas
The objective of this study was to evaluate the ImageJ software in automatic analysis of morphometricparameters of ram sperm head. Semen smears from three Santa Inês rams were stained with fast panoptic anddigital images of sperms from these smears were analyzed in ImageJ software for morphometric parameters.The mean dimensions of sperm heads analyzed were 8,4±0,6 µm; 4,4±0,3 µm; 21,8±1,6 µm and 29,0±3,9 µm2for length, width, perimeter and area, respectively. Individual variations for these parameters were observed.The ImageJ software was suitable for automatic sperm morphometric analysis with results consistent with thosefound in the literature.(AU)
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