Aplicações da clonagem e transgênese em pequenos ruminantes
Freitas, Vicente José de FigueirêdoMelo, Luciana MagalhãesTeixeira, Dárcio Ítalo Alves
Transgenic animals are those animals which are genetically modified. A foreign gene is inserted intothese animals to see certain characteristics. These animals can be helpful in producing organs, growthhormones and useful proteins for the humans. Transgenic farm animals were first developed in 1985 and wereuseful in the production of biopharmaceuticals shortly thereafter. The ideal transgenic animal produces plentyof milk, and has relatively short generation times. Thus, small ruminants have been selected for a number ofreasons, the chief of which is the short generational time of 18 months. Thus, this review aims to present thecharacteristics and main applications of transgenesis and cloning in small ruminants.(AU)
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