Acompanhamento ovariano de vacas Bos indicus submetidas a protocolo de superovulação
Amaral, Brenda Karine Lima doChaves, Ricardo de MacêdoSouza, Fernando AndradePereira, Hélder de MoraesAlmeida, Diego SantosCosta Júnior, Sérgio HenriqueMoraes Júnior, Felipe de Jesus
The objective was to monitor ovarian follicular development cows Gir, submitted to superovulationprotocol. Using 10 heifers, subject to three exam sessions gynecologic these being on day 0, day 4 and day 7,where on day 0 performed before beginning the superovulation protocol in order to select those that showed nochange in the reproductive tract and had corpus luteum active, while on day 4 and day 7 held in the days ofsuperstimulatory protocol, in order to quantify the follicles and evaluate follicular growth each female. With themeasurement of the follicles, it resulted three-averages 7,6 mm; 7,7mm and 10,0mm for the respective day, day0, day 4 and day 7. It was concluded that cows submitted to superovulation protocol presented ovarian folliclegrowth over the days evaluated by ultrasound and significant number of corpora lutea at the moment of embryocollection.(AU)
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