lntraocular porcupine qui li in a dog
Pontes Oriá, ArianneSantos, CristianeLuiz Laus, José
Ocular foreign bodies are responsible for multiple injuries with various functional consequences depending on their nature,shape, location, velocity and way of penetration. We report here a boxe r bitch with a 1. 7 em long intraocular foreign body lying inthe cornea, through the anterior chamber and lens. The case was presented at the Ophthalmology Unit of the "GovernadorLaudo Natel" Veterinary Hospital, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, JaboticabalCampus, SP/Brazil. After rem oval, the foreign body was found to be a porcupine ( Coendou prehensilis) qui li. The animal wassubmmited to topical antibiotic, antiinflammatory and antihypertensive therapy for 30 consecutiva days, which permittedpreservation of the eye despite the loss of visual function.
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