Diets formulated on total or digestible amino acid basis with different energy levels and physical form on broiler performance
Maiorka, ADahlke, FPenz, AMKessler, AM
We studied the effects of two different systems of expressing amino acid requirements (total - TAA or digestible - DAA), two energy levels (2,900 or 3,200 kcal of ME/kg) and two physical forms (mash or pellet) on the performance of male broilers from 21 to 42 d of age. Diets formulated on DAA basis improved feed conversion (p 0.001) and the conversion of consumed ME into body weight gain (p 0.001). Birds fed 3,200 kcal ME/kg presented better feed conversion (p 0.001), higher abdominal fat deposition (p 0.001) and worse conversion of consumed ME into body weight gain (p 0.001) as compared to birds fed 2,900 kcal ME/kg. Birds fed pelleted feed had higher feed intake (p 0.001), higher weight gain (p 0.001), better feed conversion (p 0.001), better conversion of consumed ME into body weight gain (p 0.001) and higher abdominal fat deposition (p 0.001). The results obtained in the present study suggest that feed formulation based on DAA is required when diets contain protein sources which amino acid digestibility is unreliable. Besides, pelleted feed improves performance parameters of broilers.
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