Performance and nutrient metabolizability in broilers fed diets containing corn contaminated with fumonisin b1 and esterified glucomannan
Oliveira, E. MTanure, C. B. G. SCastejon, F. VCastro, R. M. A. DRocha, F. R. TCarvalho, F. BAndrade, M. AStringhini, J. H
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance and nutrient metabolizability of broilers fed diets containing fumonisin B1 (FB1) and an esterified glucomannan (EGM). In total, 420 male broilers were distributed according to a 3 x 2 + 1 factorial arrangement, corresponding to three FB1 exposure times (seven, 21, or 35 days), two dietary glucomannan addition levels (0 or 0.1% EGM), and control diet, totaling seven treatments. The following diets were fed: 1) Control diet, 2) pre-starter diet containing FB1, 3) pre-starter diet containing FB1 and 0.1% EGM, 4) starter diet containing FB1, 5) starter diet containing FB1 and 0.1% EGM, 6) grower diet containing FB1, and 7) grower diet containing FB1 and 0.1% EGM. On d 7, broilers fed FB1 presented lower body weight gain and feed intake (p 0.05) compared with control treatment. On d 21, no significant performance differences were detected among treatment groups (p>0.05). At 35 days of exposure to FB1 body weight gain was reduced (p 0.05) compared with broilers fed fumonisin B1 for seven days. From 4 to 7 days and 18 to 21 days of age, FB1 reduced nutrient metabolizability (p 0.05). From 36 to 39 days of age, the EGM allowed maintaining apparent metabolizability for ether extract. It was concluded that the EGM did not reduce FB1 effects on performance or nutrient metabolizability in broilers, except for apparent metabolizability of ether extract.(AU)
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