Distribution and identification of the White-collared Kite Leptodon forbesi and the juvenile plumages of the Gray-headed Kite Leptodon cayanensis
Lima, Rafael DantasMenq, WillianPallinger, Frederick
The genus Leptodon encompasses two Neotropical raptor species. The more widely-distributed Gray-headed Kite (Leptodon cayanensis) occurs in a vast area of Neotropical region, while the White-collared Kite (Leptodon forbesi) is endemic of the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil, but there are some questions about the extent of its geographic distribution and about its sympatry with its congener. Here we present a review of the geographic distribution and the diagnoses of L. forbesi, correcting recent records based on misidentifications. We also clarify the main features of juvenile and subadult plumage of Leptodon raptors and describe new phases of juvenile plumage.(AU)
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