Belostomatidae (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) held in the Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil: inventory and new distributional records
Almeida, Thaís Melo deStefanello, FabianoHamada, Neusa
Belostomatidae is a family of giant water bugs with 52 valid species in Brazil. Here, we list 33 valid species housed in the Invertebrates Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, Manaus, Brazil. Of the total species examined, 26 had their distributional ranges increased (new records provided in parentheses): Belostoma amazonum Estévez & Polhemus (Mato Grosso and Roraima); B. aurivillianum (Montandon) (Rondônia); B. bosqi De Carlo (Maranhão); B. candidulum Montandon (Mato Grosso do Sul); B. carajaensis Ribeiro & Estévez (Amazonas); B. dallasi De Carlo (Bahia and Pará); B. dentatum (Mayr) (Roraima); B. denticolle Montandon (Roraima); B. dilatatum (Dufour) (Maranhão); B. discretum Montandon (Rio Grande do Sul); B. elongatum Montandon (Paraná); B. estevezae Ribeiro & Alecrim (Amazonas); B. fittkaui De Carlo (Roraima); B. gestroi Montandon (Pará); B. guianae Lauck (Brazil, in Roraima); B. micantulum (Stål) (Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia and Roraima); B. minusculum (Uhler) (Brazil, in Amazonas, Pará and Rio Grande do Norte); B. parvum Estévez & Polhemus (Amazonas and Roraima); B. plebejum (Stål) (Roraima); B. pygmeum (Dufour) (Pará); B. ribeiroi De Carlo (Mato Grosso do Sul); B. stollii (Amyot & Serville) (Roraima); Horvathinia pelocoroides Montandon (Rondônia); Lethocerus annulipes (Herrich-Schaeffer) (Maranhão, Paraíba and Paraná); L. delpontei De Carlo (Amazonas and Pará) and L. maximus De Carlo (Acre, Amapá, Amazonas and Roraima). In addition, we provide a list of type and non-type specimens of Belostomatidae from INPAs collection identified to the species level, photographs of these species and relevant taxonomic notes, when available.(AU)
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