An overview of migratory birds in Brazil
Somenzari, MarinaAmaral, Priscilla Prudente doCueto, Víctor RGuaraldo, André de CamargoJahn, Alex ELima, Diego MendesLima, Pedro CerqueiraLugarini, CamileMachado, Caio GracoMartinez, JaimeNascimento, João Luiz Xavier doPacheco, José FernandoPaludo, DaniellePrestes, Nêmora PaulettiSerafini, Patrícia PereiraSilveira, Luís FábioSousa, Antônio Emanuel Barreto Alves deSousa, Nathália Alves deSouza, Manuella Andrade deTelino-Júnior, Wallace RodriguesWhitney, Bret Myers
We reviewed the occurrences and distributional patterns of migratory species of birds in Brazil. A species was classified as migratory when at least part of its population performs cyclical, seasonal movements with high fidelity to its breeding grounds. Of the 1,919 species of birds recorded in Brazil, 198 (10.3%) are migratory. Of these, 127 (64%) were classified as Migratory and 71 (36%) as Partially Migratory. A few species (83; 4.3%) were classified as Vagrant and eight (0,4%) species could not be defined due to limited information available, or due to conflicting data.(AU)
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