Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 20-24

Mapeamento e análise das atividades para melhoria do desempenho no diagnóstico de micro-organismos envolvidos em doenças de transmissão alimentar

Serafim, Luciana CoelhoRodrigues, Dália dos PrazeresCosta, Stella Regina Reis da

In the elucidation of outbreaks of foodborne disease, one of the steps of great importance is the diagnosis of the etiologic agent and it is extremely important that this diagnosis is effective and in the shortest possible time. To do so, it is necessary to improve the performance of laboratories responsible for this type of activity. This work proposes to discuss, formulate and propose performance indicators in a lab responsible for the diagnosis of microorganisms that cause infectious disease through the mapping and analysis of processes. The case study was conducted in one of the subprocesses of the process "Laboratory diagnosis of microorganisms involved in Foodborne Diseases", being proposed three performance indicators.(AU)