Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 289-293

Produção in vivo de embriões caprinos e ovinos submetidos ao meio de manutenção ACP®

TEIXEIRA, Letícia Soares de AraújoSOARES, Francisco Felipe FerreiraBRAGA, Clarissa de Castro ePORFIRIO, Kenney de PaivaMINEIRO, Ana Lys Bezerra BarradasCARDOSO, Janaína de Fátima SaraivaPAULA, Ney Rômulo de Oliveira

The use of ACP® as a means of maintenance in the stages of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer, has not yet been reported in the literature, although ACP® is a plant fluid rich in nutrients. Thus, the objective was to compare the efficiency of ACP® as a substitute for embryo maintenance medium during MOTE biotechnology in goats and sheep. For this, three donor goats, Anglo-Nubian breed and three donor sheep, Dorper breed were used. Fifteen recipient females of each species were used. The donors were submitted to the superovulation protocol and inseminated, and later the embryos were collected. After harvesting, the embryos were submitted to the control maintenance medium, TQC Holding® or ACP® maintenance medium. The recipients were synchronized simultaneously with the donors, and after 30 days the pregnancy diagnosis was made. It was obtained 10% of pregnant in goats and 75% of pregnant in sheep, whose embryos were submitted to the ACP® maintenance medium before the innovation. It is concluded that the means of maintenance of ACP® embryos did not negatively influence the embryonic quality and the development of pregnancy in small ruminants.(AU)

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