Produção in vitro de embriões de mini vacas
TOLEDO, Itamar RodriguesARAÚJO, Anderson VictorGUIMARÃES, Ana Luiza Silva
With a focus on productivity, Brazil has advanced research and application of reproductive biotechnologies. However, much remains to be explored, such as in vitro embryo production and transfer in miniature breeds. Thus, the objective of the present work is to report the in vitro production of miniature bovine embryos and transfer to conventional sized cows located in Palmas/To. Nine miniature Jersey-Holstein cross breed donors were aspirated to obtain approximately 13 viable oocytes per female. The oocytes were matured, fertilized and cultured the in vitro, where the production of viable embryos was 23.2%. On day 7 of development (D7) the embryos were transferred to 17 crossbred dairy recipients and after 30 days of innovulation by ultrasound examination a conception rate of 76.4% was found. Thus, the technique of in vitro production and embryo transfer is viable for the reproduction of mini dairy cows, despite the lack of data regarding the work performed on small animals that serve as comparative parameters for the results achieved in the study.(AU)
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