Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 171-174

Primeira avaliação da obtenção e qualidade de oócitos post mortem de lhamas pelo azul cresil brilhante

PEREIRA, Leda Maria CostaANASTASIO, Francisco Douglas LimaLIMA, Yvyna Byanca Simões deTEIXEIRA, Germano GonçalvesPINHEIRO, Evelyn de CastroTEIXEIRA, Dárcio Ítalo AlvesBERSANO, Paulo Ricardo de Oliveira

This study aimed to demonstrate the applicability of the ovarian slicing technique in the recovery of post mortem oocytes in a llama (lama glama) victim of acute bronchopneumonia and the effectiveness of the brilliant cresyl blue (ACB) technique to select quality oocytes for a subsequent in vitro culture. The ovary-salpinge-hysterectomy (OSH) was performed 12 hours after the animal's death. The ovaries were transported refrigerated immediately to the laboratory in Leibovitz medium (L-15). The oocytes were identified, quantified under a stereomicroscopic and classified according to two methods: conventional morphological classification and ACB assay. 26 oocytes classified by conventional morphology were obtained: 10 oocytes grade 1, 12 oocytes grade 2 and 4 oocytes grade3. The use of the ACB dye demonstrated that 88% of the evaluated oocytes maintained their quality and were competent for the conservation of genetic or future material application in reproductive biotechnologies in this species. Further studies are suggested aiming to use selected oocytes with ACB to enhance the success of in vitro culture in this species.(AU)

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