Ocorrência de tumor venéreo transmissível em cães atendidos no Hovet - PA UFRA
RAIOL, Letícia da SilvaRIBEIRO, Haroldo Francisco LobatoSILVA, Leonardo ReisSAMPAIO, Meireane OliveiraSOUZA, Rafaela Pedreira de Albuquerque NevesALEIXO, Renata Kelly TrindadeROLIM FILHO, Sebastião Tavares
The objective was to verify the occurrence of the transmissible venereal tumor in canines attended at (UFRA), Campus Belém / Pará, from March 2016 to September 2019. The information was obtained from the SISVET® program (Veterinary System). A total of 3,714 records were analyzed regarding the animals served and sent to the animal reproduction sector. Of this total, 155 were from dogs diagnosed with transmissible venereal tumor and 8 negative cases, 102 females and 53 males. The data were tabulated in an electronic spreadsheet, submitted to statistical analysis using the SAS® Universty Edition software regarding the frequency of occurrences, the influence of the age group, sex, race, through the Chi-Square test with 5% significance. Of the 155 cases of TVT diagnosed, 102 (65.81%) were in females and 53 (34.19%) males, with prevalence in SRD (72.86%) and in adults (54.19%). As for the site of involvement, 32.26% were in vulva and 20% in the body of the penis. Regarding the neighborhoods, there was a predominance in Guamá with 25 cases (15.59%). Thus, it is concluded that TVT was more frequent in SRD females and in adult dogs. Vulva 50 (32.26%), vagina 46 (29.68%) and penis 31 (20%) were the most affected sites.(AU)
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